Writing for Startups

Published On May 7, 2021

Writing is hard. Writing for startups is even harder, but it doesn’t have to be.

A writer’s process is research-based. It is curious and not rushed. Along the way, they run into questions that lead them to dig deeper into their subject matter to find the most valuable nuggets of information. Then, they shape their story around those nuggets. 

Writing about your brand is not that different.

I have some useful tips that will help you write about your brand better. But you are not a writer. You are the talent, the maker, the creative, the do-er. You can learn this skill. Be patient with yourself. A best seller cannot be rushed.

Where to Begin

Start by looking at your product, brand, and core values to gather the evidence you need in order to write compelling content for your startup.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Don’t get granular, instead focus on clear and concise facts for now.
  • Stay objective and avoid the spiral of comparison.
  • Document everything.

Define the problem your startup solves

This is a crucial step that many startups skip. If you’re attempting to write about your startup, don’t breeze through this step too quickly. Nailing your differentiators and positioning your brand correctly, skyrocket your chances of success.

You’re aiming for a clear and concise definition of the problem your product solves and the specific, unique value you’ve created around the solution. 

Ask yourself:

  • What inspired your product?
  • What did you notice was missing in the world that your product can uniquely provide? 
  • Are there other products that are similar to yours? List them. 
  • In what ways are they similar? 
  • In what ways are they different? 
  • How does your product solve problems that theirs doesn’t?

F&Bs, Core Values, and the rest

You should be feeling pretty confident in your knowledge about your brand after asking those questions. Even if you employ AI to do your writing, your prompts will be exponentially stronger with this information.

Next, you have to get into every other area of your business to figure out how to use your brand to get into the minds of each one of your customer segments.

Take a look at your product’s features & benefits and core values to come up with language for product descriptions, tag lines, social media content, and the rest of the content your brand puts out.

There’s no doubt that this is a lot of work. But startups like you are scrappy, and hard work doesn’t scare you. 

Susie Ippolito